
Advocates work with residents to identify concerns, provide assistance and connect participants with services and information about other RECAP services and additional community resources.

Food insecurity continues to be an issue for our community. In addressing social determinants of health, RECAP offers activities and outreach throughout the year to educate and inform our community about hunger disparity and food insecurity and poverty right here in Orange County.

RECAP Advocates work with people to help them access resources to increase self-sufficiency and improve health outcomes. We advocate for our clients as they secure food, shelter, safety, educational opportunities, connection to health centers to address health concerns and mental health and employment support and training. Our goal is to help people find stability and advocate for themselves, their families and their future. 

Services include employment support and training, nutrition and advocacy, translation services, assistance completing benefit and court paperwork, and submitting emergency assistance requests.

In Newburgh, RECAP’s Orange County Re-Entry program assists those returning home after incarceration. Case managers provide educational, vocational, housing assistance and support as they weave themselves back into the community.

RECAP also has a Job Coach for those seeking employment. The Job Coach works on all aspects of employment. Including: interview rehearsal, resume building, transportation, job search and support through the first 90-days of employment. 

Advocacy Services

Services include employment support and training, nutrition and advocacy, translations, and emergency assistance. Our office shares space with RECAP’s Orange County Reentry program which helps people returning home after incarceration as they weave themselves back into the community.

Set up an appointment to meet with an advocate. Services include:

  • Translations of vital documents
  • Assistance with obtaining forms and navigating services like rental assistance
  • SNAP (Food stamps)
  • Medicaid,
  • Social Security (SSI, SSD
  • Survivor benefits)
  • HEAP
  • Section 8
  • Unemployment
  • Orders of Protection
  • Government-issued cell phones
  • Assistance with petitions for immigration
  • Child support
  • Custody
  • Affidavits
  • Name changes
  • Employment Support & Training
  • Resume writing,
  • Job readiness and training
  • Post-employment services
  • Job development
  • Emergency Assistance – Clothing, food, hygiene products

Bilingual services are available.