Head Start

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Enrollment occurs each year before the fall semester begins. Feel free to call us at 845-343-4191 x7000 if you have any questions.


Head Start is a collection of early learning centers in Middletown, Scotchtown and Port Jervis that support the comprehensive development of children in the centers and in their own homes. 

Development services focus on:


Children receive health and development screenings, nutritious meals, oral health and mental health support. Programs connect families with medical, dental, and mental health services, and ensure that children are receiving the services they need.

Early Learning

Teachers facilitate individualized learning experiences to promote children’s readiness for school and beyond. Through planned and spontaneous instruction, relationships with adults, and play, children grow in language and literacy, early math and science concepts, and social and emotional development.

Family well-being

Parents and families are supported in achieving their own goals, such as housing stability, continued education, and financial security. Programs support and strengthen parent-child relationships and engage families around children’s learning and development.

Download our Annual Report: Head Start Annual Report 2024

Our Schools


(Main office) 96 North Beacon Street, Middletown NY 10940
(845) 343-4191
Fax: (845) 956-1271
Email: cdiaz@recap.org
Office hours: Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm

Port Jervis

56-58 Church Street, Port Jervis NY 12771
(845) 856-6821
Fax: (845) 858-8176
Email: rcox@recap.org
Office hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00AM-4:00PM


240 Midland Lakes Road, Middletown, NY 10941
(845) 692-6567
Fax: (845) 692-6585
Email: mtaggart@recap.org
Office hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00AM-4:00PM

A typical day and the skills we focus on:

  • Arrival and greetings
  • Group time – songs, finger plays, news for the day, music and movement, sharing and recording ideas, cognitive development
  • Mealtime – self-help, table manners
  • Tooth brushing – personal hygiene
  • Choice time and small groups – planning, cooperation, independence, problem solving, fine motor development, cognitive (thinking)
  • Clean up – cooperation, responsibility
  • Hand washing – personal hygiene, self-help skills, independence
  • Mealtime – self-help, table manners
  • Outdoor choice time – large muscle activity choices
  • Story time – language, literacy, and listening
  • Closing and departures

Meet our staff

Heather Decker
Early Childhood Development Director
Heather has been with RECAP Head Start since 2009 and was a Head Start Teacher and Education Manager. She holds a B.S. in Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education from Marywood University.
Lissette Diaz Colado
Family & Community Partnership Manager
Lissette has been with RECAP Head Start since 2005. She plans, coordinates, and implements all aspects of family service content areas. She received an Associates from SUNY Orange and a B.A. in Psychology from SUNY New Paltz.
Michelle Taggart
Center Liaison/Coach
Michelle has been with RECAP Head Start since 2006. She ensures the school’s daily operations run smoothly. She has a B.A. in Family & Child Studies from Montclair State University, and a Teaching Certificate from William Patterson University.
Daisy Santos Torres
Daisy has been with RECAP Head Start since 2023. She enjoys facilitating learning activities with the children and helping them develop important Social Emotional skills. She holds her Bachelors Degree in Education and Biology from SUNY New Paltz and Associates from SUNY Orange. Her favorite children's books are Chrysanthemum by Kevin Hank and Click, Clack, Moo by Doreen Cronin. Outside of Head Start she enjoys hiking and reading fiction books with her book club.
Korrelle Cala
Korelle has been with RECAP Head Start since 2015. She educates, loves, cares for and enriches the children and families in her classroom. She has a Bachelor’s in Child Development from Ashford University.
Veronica Ochoa
Veronica has been with RECAP Head Start since 2022. She working towards her Masters in Early Childhood Education and Special Education. Her favorite part of the school day is Circle Time to greet each child. She enjoys celebrating them, especially during Week of the Young Child. One of her proudest moments is to be able to see her students succeed in any form. Outside of school, she enjoys spending time with family and friends
Patricia Myers
Health/Nutrition Coordinator
Patricia has been with RECAP Head Start since 2004. She conducts education screenings, monitors children’s health, ensures center safety, as well as monitoring menus and allergies. She received an Associates in Human Services from SUNY Orange.
Charlotte Diaz
Center Liaison/Lead Coach
Charlotte has been with RECAP Head Start since 2014. She ensures the school’s daily operations run smoothly. She has a Bachelor’s in Elementary Education 1-6 and a Master’s in Early Childhood Education birth-second grade.
Rachael Cox
Center Liaison
Rachael has been with RECAP Head Start since 2014. She ensures the school’s daily operations run smoothly. She has a B.S. Elementary Education from Drexel University.
Jessica Lewis
Mentor Teacher
Jessica has been with RECAP Head Start since 2005. She prepares young minds for a successful future. She has a B.A. in Early Childhood & Elementary Education from Kutztown University.
Linda Bissoondath
Linda has been with RECAP Head Start since 2017. She establishes the needs of children on a daily basis. She has a B.A. in Arts with credits in Early Childhood.
Lauren Schaefer
Lauren has been with RECAP Head Start since 2021. As a teacher Lauren works hard to implement an age appropriate curriculum. She has a BS in Early Childhood Education from SUNY New Paltz. Her favorite holiday to celebrate is Halloween. Something no one knows about her is that she was in a Broadway play many years ago.
Patricia Arnold
Education Manager
Patricia has been with RECAP Head Start since 2016. She supervises teachers and teacher assistants and monitors classroom activities. She has a Masters of Professional Studies in Elementary Education & Special Education.
Luisa Scott
Disabilities & Mental Health Manager
Luisa has been with RECAP Head Start since 2015. She supports families through the special services process, ensures Individualized Education Programs are implemented by providers and teachers, and facilitates mental health consultations for families and staff. She has a B.A. in Speech Pathology and Audiology from Lehman College, and an A.A.S. in Early Childhood Ed from Westchester County Community College.
Heather "Lilli" Lopez
Lilli has been at RECAP Head Start since 2020. She enjoys helping the children learn and grow in the classroom. She currently attends Post University to complete her Associates degree in Early Childhood Education. Her favorite part of the school day is when the children arrive in the morning with great big smiles. One of my proudest moments was becoming a mom to my daughter
Heather Millman
Heather has been with RECAP Head Start since 2014. She supports the growth of her students. She has a Bachelors in Social Science from Ashford University, an Associates in Applied Science, and a Teaching Assistant certificate from SUNY Orange.


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